SEEDS for Change


SEEDS is a collaborative project of Black, Indigenous and People of Color with no borders from all walks of life. We ground our partnerships with others from ancestral knowledge, exchanging ideas and opportunities based on a horizontal model. Our diverse ways of conducting work ensures partners are in alignment with decolonizing approaches to innovative learning spaces online, in-person and abroad. Our partners and collaborators teach, disseminate knowledge and bring radical ideas to communities everywhere.

Their mission: The intellectual, physical and emotional labor of racialized peoples is undervalued, underpaid, underfunded, and often times stolen in the name of research and academic agendas, even by folks with the best “intentions.” To combat the ongoing extraction of our bodies and minds, we are taking back projects for our own liberation. We seek to change the power dynamics by nourishing and supporting projects with real solutions, recognizing and giving acknowledgement to everyone who is a part of SEEDS. Our model is horizontal and it is based on solidarity economy.